3 February 2012

Etailers Don't: Mystery shipping fees

wrote about delivery charges in my last post. It is certainly bad if etailers charge exorbitant shipping fees. But it's worse if you don't know.

You would've thought that shipping fees and delivery timeframe are standard information for any online stores. Most e-stores have a "Shipping", "Delivery", "Customer Service" or an "FAQ" link with the relevant information. For some unknown reason, some websites like to keep you guessing.

This website does not give you any information about shipping, in fact there is nothing on customer service at all. It also violates the first and second Etailers Don't rules.

So how do you find out about shipping charges? Maybe by putting something in the shopping cart?

That would be too easy! Instead, you have to register or sign in using your Facebook account. 

Sorry, at this point you've lost the sale.

P.S. An idea for the blog ... are you interested in a directory of ebay auctions from people who read this blog or from my twitter followers? Good for the people selling and good for people looking for a bargain, so it's a win-win, right?